In the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) many companies had to cancel their events. Considering that many companies allocate large amount of their budgets to trade shows, now is more likely to allocate that budgets into higher investments in web marketing. Even if the companies shift a small amount to online marketing, it would translate into massive growth in web marketing.
Online marketing to benefit
The major advantage of digital marketing is that is measurable. Marketers can easily obtain a good picture of their spending return on investment (ROI) and of which activities generate the highest number of quality leads and at what expense.
Assuming that many marketers will have some extra free time, especially those working from home, they are advised to use it to review their online marketing strategy and redefine their marketing messages.
Review your marketing Strategy
Marketing executives often complain that they have no time to update their website because of their work overload. This is exactly the time to revisit the corporate site and make sure that is well presented. In addition, it’s a good time to reset goals for your marketing campaigns and take in-depth look into performance of past efforts. A close look will for sure indicate that there is real need to refresh much of the marketing materials produced in the past.
Some of the marketing strategies to look at:
Website Content – Make sure that it contains the right marketing messages with the right call for action.
SEO – Checking your current website organic search rankings and optimizing them for search engines to improve the quality and quantity of your web traffic.
Content Marketing – Using this opportunity to generate ideas for new blog posts and to start writing the next newsletter for your customers.
Press releases and articles – Thinking of topics you can inform the media and your clients abut and writing professional articles.
Social media engagement – Improving social media engagement and writing new case studies. Another thing is to increase or start webinars!
Video – Drafting the story for your next video.
Hopefully, the whole crisis will end soon, but no matter how long it takes strengthening you online marketing efforts will minimize the risk and improve your overall position.