How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Ads Account
Over the past few months Facebook is disabling accounts without warning. Do you know why?
Find below tips that will help you avoid getting banned from Facebook’s advertising tool.
Ensure Your Ads Comply With Facebook Advertising Policy
One of the main reason accounts get banned is because they violating Facebook’s policies. No one is reading them, although they are easy to read.
Ensure Landing Pages Are Compliant
Compliance does’t stop with your ads. It is also required to have pages beyond the click. Besides following the advertising policies on your landing pages. This documentation often includes a privacy policy, terms and conditions, earnings disclaimers and wording that says your site is not affiliated with Facebook. Consult a lawyer to ensure you’re properly protected.
Be Clear About Your Business
Bots are behind most disabled accounts. However, by bypass the rules is not a good idea, technically. You need to be clear about what you are offering and your intentions. Do not use click-bait or misleading copy and images and skip making claims but instead tell stories and provide examples.
Clean Your Account
Remove account managers who no longer need access and use separate payment method for each account. Delete disapproved ads from your account since they will lower your account quality score.