Instagram Stories – Instagram is one of the newer social media sites. With a billion users as of June 2018, it is also one of the most popular. What makes it so attractive for users and businesses is that the content is visually based.
As a product vendor, this gives you a much more effective way of highlighting how great your items really are. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. But, it’s not just about pictures. Instagram Stories is a newer service available on this platform and one that many businesses are using now.
Is it really a good marketing tool, though? According to social media experts, it can be if used properly. We recently came up with a useful infographic that gives you some concrete ideas on how to do just that. The stories give people a real chance to get a look at the real faces behind a brand.
They give you the chance to tell your brand’s story, but they can also be used to give clients unique insights into what it takes to get your product out. You can show them the kind of work involved, and the humans that put their blood, sweat, and tears into getting the products out there.
It’s a way of showing people what they are really paying for. You don’t have to give away trade secrets, but you can let them know where their money is going. But, that is only the start of what you can do with Instagram Stories.
You can get really creative, like Airbnb, who posts pictures in stories and then asks users to identify where they were taken. MAC used stories to teach clients how to apply makeup and take better selfies.
Want some more inspiration? You’ll get plenty of that from the infographic below. It is brimming with interesting facts about the platform and packed with how brands have used the feature in real life. Check it out to get some great ideas for your own Instagram Stories.
Many thanks to Josh Wardini from Webmastersjury for his contribution.