L is for your Local Marketing
“87% of people who search for a local business call or go to that type of local business within 24 hours”
If you are a small business owner, you might think that you can’t market your business the way that the large business do. However, there’s nothing to worry about. If you are a local business you can brand yourself locally and be one of those big guys without also low-budget!
If you are looking how to promote your local marketing for your small business here’s how:
- Get Listed Online
Make sure that your business is listed in all big online directories (Google, Yahoo and Bing). If you are a restaurant or a coffee shop make sure that you are listed on the most popular online review sites Yelp and Foursquare. Also, list your business on Google+. This is a huge benefit as when someone is searching for a local restaurant it can show the restaurant with the map among with its reviews. [The more (good) reviews, the better ranking you will get! ]
- Ask for Reviews
Ask from your customers to leave reviews on your sites or on the review sites that you are listed. It’s important for your business to have as many as possible reviews. If you would like to have a good reputation your customers is a great source for it. One way to ask them is either directly or in your email marketing provide links on your website, this will make your reviewing easier and faster.
- Join local events
Sponsor or participate local events or why not host your own?! You will get publicity on local newspapers and blogs. People will share such events or talk about the event.
- Stay active on SocialMedia
Small business can get new customers via social media. In addition, many business collect feedbacks from their customers and they build loyalty between them and their customers. Find more tips here.
- Share freebies.
Create contest or share offers as this will help you increase your followers and hence, customers. Share such promotions and go viral through your social media channels.
- Business Cards
Get yourself some fancy business card. While you are networking make sure to give one of your business cards. The more people find about your business the better!