Tips for Social Media Customer Service
A social customer service strategy can be the last thing on anyone’s mind. Unfortunately, brands can be just too busy on sending out promotions and forgetting the two-way communication. This is probably one of the most missed opportunities for small businesses when it comes to social media. While you may have a social media strategy you should also note down the social media customer service. Indeed, social media can get complicated once you all different social accounts running. However, you have to have someone to manage it. Once you have everything running smoothly you can start on customer service requests. Having it, you can see that this avenue will help set you apart from competitors.
Why it is Important to have a Customer Service Strategy?
- The Consumers want it: According to ZenDesk article, nearly half of all US consumers use social media to ask questions, complain, or report something and one third of social users prefer social media customer service rather than a phone call.
- Fast Communication: The rise of Internet has made consumers to be a little less patient. Everything is at their fingerprints and customer service should be as well. Social media content is important as it offers information fast and consumers expect answers to their questions fast.
How to Create a Social Media Customer Service.
It can get overwhelming to have questions being posted or messaged to your social media accounts but that’s because it is! What you need to do is to set up accounts specifically for questions and help. A great example is Hootsuite. They have an account that answers questions. So, if you are considering to take this option, you should make aware your users that you have accounts specifically for that reason. Follow loyal customers and put the “question & help” account link in your description on your actual social pages.
Keep it PUBLIC!
Unless a question or comment needs to be taken off social media and into a direct message which needs further discussion within an email or phone call, keep your answers public. This helps to show that you are answering questions and you are engaging with customers or clients. It is also, important to talk as a real person and not bot! When an issue is solved, respond back and say “Thanks for asking!”. As previously said, social media customer service needs to be fast. People ask questions and want the answers quickly. You need to be prepared for any type of questions and make sure you can respond back quickly and correctly.
State your hours of operation.
Clearly state your hours of operation. People using social media any time and any day. If you don’t support 24/7 clearly state that on your description to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, hire people who are willing and ready to work 24/7 in order not to miss out!
It is important not to use your social media accounts into questions. You still need to use your social media platforms to be full engaging with images, videos and company news!