Effective Web Design – Understanding the PPC model by Google [Part 4]
Expand your Websites Utility: Once someone has landed on your website, include things your competitors don’t have. This will also boost your sites organic search results.
Is your web page fast: How fast your webpage load? Load times are factored into Google’s Quality Score and users hate waiting. There are many guides for improving load time but as a general rule avoid redundant images and keep it clean.
Make your website adaptable: 40% of all PLA likes occurred on mobile at the end of 2014. There is less and less need to separate mobile and desktop platforms so starkly – is your website responsive?
Tailor specific ads for different devices: If you know full browsers are more likely to buy lead large mobile devices to the full site. If they are on a small device include the click to call action (CTA).
Do you have a newsletter or brochure?: Don’t just contain it to one page. Use subtle graphics links to encourage the “unconverted” to stay in touch via sign up. If the clicked an ad to get to you chances are they are already interested.
Find the balance: The landing page needs to be both clean and organized while presenting enough information for the user to continue browsing, Trial and error is critical, seek constant feedback.
Minimise the number of clicks: Think of what your conversion goal is and make the possible within as few links as possible. It is said that each click reduces user response by ~10%.
Display testimonials: Building trust as an unfamiliar brand is critical. If you can include recommendations tastefully in your advertising or on your website it will add a lot of credibility.
Include initial data capture on the landing page: Users will be able to engage better as the results are more relevant. If they find exact phrases they searched for it will encourage them along the conversion path.
More tips on effective web design